If you place an order with Phidgets, it's very likely you'll want a VINT Hub
Phidget to tie it all together.
The VINT Hub is one of the most commonly used Phidgets. Connect up to six devices to your computer through a single USB port. Phidgets are "Plug and Program" - When plugged in, they are automatically discovered by the Phidget drivers and made available to your program. You can configure each port to operate in different modes that make it easy to interface with VINT devices, analog sensors, or logic-level circuits. Each port also has a power and ground pin, providing direct access to the USB voltage supply.
Six versatile ports that can operate in different modes
Communicate with an intelligent VINT Device
Read a 0-5V Voltage or ratiometric sensor
Act as a PWM-enabled digital output or digital input
The mode of each port is set in your program, allowing for flexible use in projects
The HUB0002_0 has improved immunity, resulting in a longer maximum cable length for any device with the icon printed on the enclosure.
It also supports high-speed megabit communication (marked with ). For some VINT devices, this will result in faster data rates and lower latency.
For more information about these features, see the User Guide.